Service Objects in the Wild

Testing is a crucial part of software development, and understanding how to effectively use tools like Minitest, mocks, and stubs is essential. This blog post explores these concepts in the context of Ruby, specifically focusing on the Actor gem for creating service objects.

July 23, 2023

Ruby test coverage by feature branch

Having a git workflow based on feature branches, where you create a new branch for every new story you are working on, allows you to have a strict barrier on what files changed.

October 29, 2018

Git commits messages and history

Git is a very powerful tool, that can be used for more than just archiving code and give you the possibility to revert and track changes. If you use it wisely, even if you don’t have the git-foo powers, your project can benefit from it. Sometimes, while browsing around some code on GitHub or GitLab I struggle to find some reasoning for changes, why those files we’re changed or why something was implemented that way. The climax is when you found a commit message with tons of changes, spread across several files and the commit message: misc fixes or another vague title, that says absolute nothing about the change.

May 14, 2018

How to setup docker to work with SELinux

From time to time I need to get this working, either by a new computer or some reinstall. Lately, I had to do this twice because my new Dell XPS laptop needed to be serviced, and I had to reinstall my OS of choice: Fedora Linux.

December 8, 2017

Migrate a Rails application to use UUID with PostgreSQL

UUID stands for Universally Unique IDentifier, a standard used to get unique identifiers for resources. The major benefit of using UUID as identifier is that it can be generated without collisions in different systems, so we can have several systems generating IDs.

October 11, 2017

Load test using Ruby and JMeter

In this post I will describe the steps to start creating load tests to your API or application, in Ruby, that will use Apache JMeter to run the tests and collect the metrics.

April 21, 2017

First Padrino framework contribution

For those who don’t know what Padrino is, it’s a web framework written in Ruby, known to be lighter compared with Ruby on Rails, but complete enough to create full-blown web applications.

January 7, 2017